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#  Vulnerability of coral reefs to bioerosion
#  A. Cohen and N. Prouty, PIs
#  Version 27 June 2018
Date            Latitude  Longitude     Sample_ID        Core_Length  Water_depth   Lifespan  Tissue_thickness  Growth_rate  Density  Bioerosion_volume  Calcification_rate  Bioerosion_rate  delta_N_15  delta_N_15_error  
2013-07-10      20.9386   -156.6933     LobataHead01     50           2             43        5.1               1.17         1.04     6.6                1.1                 72.32            11.29       1.76              
2013-07-10      20.9387   -156.6934     LobataHead02     18           2             21        5.6               0.88         1.08     5.9                0.94                56.03            8.44        0.12              
2013-07-10      20.9387   -156.6932     LobataHead03     19           2             26        4.6               0.72         0.99     12.5               0.71                89.07            10.87       0.45              
2013-07-10      20.9388   -156.6931     LobataHead04     21           2             30        4                 0.72         1.01     5.9                0.67                39.87            14.62       0.23              
2013-07-10      20.9451   -156.6932     LobataHead05     28           2             29        4.6               0.95         1.15     2.2                1.02                22.58            7.5         0.19              
2013-07-10      20.9386   -156.6932     LobataHead06     22           1             nd        nd                0.69         1.07     14.6               0.68                99.15            17.08       0.4               
2013-07-11      20.9373   -156.6935     LobataHead07     50           3             nd        5.1               nd           nd       nd                 nd                  nd               8.17        0.19